Golden Rules for the Ranchu Connoisseurs
1. Do not step on or sit on the edge of a pond with your shoes on.
It is very rude for a ranchu connoisseur to step on or sit on the edge of a pond, belonging whether to a connoisseur or a dealer.
You should not smoke around a pond to keep ranchus either.
2. Do not touch a ranchu of the others without permission.
After getting some experience, you can tell roughly how the back, lower back, and the center of a tail are at first glance.
In general, when you want to have a look at a ranchu of the others, say such as "May I have a look at its back?"
After getting permission from the owner, touch the object.
3. Do not beat the edge of a container.
Some people beat the edge of a container to see how a ranchu swims, that is, to see its condition.
However, when a ranchu swims after getting surprised, it does not show real condition. A ranchu swims when it gets used to a container or water.
It is very rude to the owner to beat the edge of a container.
4. Do not criticise ranchus of other members.
Except when the owner asked, do not criticise ranchus of other people.
The owner feels good when someone praised its ranchus, the fruits of the utmost care.
On the other hand, when someone pointed out any of their faults, even if they are true, it is displeasing to the owner.
5. Do not criticise other societies of ranchu enthusiasts.
Each society has its own policy.
6. Rules of buying ranchus
Societies of ranchu enthusiasts are for learning how to keep ranchus as one of the Japanese traditional arts.
Do not make any unreasonable demand considering your own facility, environment, and technique to keep ranchus.
7. Pay a charge for a ranchu immediately if possible when concluded the assignment.
If a ranchu died shortly after the assignment due to an illness, it is not easy to pay in the deferred payment.
Keep the promise even if a ranchu died of an illness before payment.
8. Do not give or sell a ranchu, that purchased or given, to the third party without consent of the former owner.
Some people think they can do anything once a ranchu became their possession.
It belongs to them, but at the same time a valuable property of the society. To get consent of the former owner is customary etiquette.
9. Do not ask others to temporarily keep your ranchu if possible.
It is easy to ask, but no easy task for the one asked to do so even temporarily.
If you have no choice but to ask someone to temporarily keep your ranchu, remember the following:
1) Even if your ranchu died of an illness or met an accident during that time, the person who you asked to keep has NO responsibility.
2) If you have to ask someone to temporarily keep your ranchu for some reason, arrange a reward (such as a reward for keeping) between you and the person beforehand.
10. Do not ask others to sell your ranchus.
Ranchus change very rapidly while keeping.
Do not ask others to sell your ranchus once you acquired.
If you ask to dispose of your ranchus, it is etiquette to leave the price entirely up to a dealer and to give a fee.